We will prepare the I-539 Application for reinstatement and follow up for the duration of time it takes for approval. We will issue your new I-20. While You must attend classes immediately and maintain full compliance according to SEVIS I-20 regulations as an F/1 student while your case is pending. The process may take twelve months.
This is a FREE SERVICE that we offer you. Your reinstatement of your F/1 Student Visa is valuable. Your legal status is important to you as it is to us. For that reason, we offer our student assistance at no charge.
The following information is needed for the I-539 REINSTATEMENT application request:
- Passport Page 1 and Visa Page 2 (need copies)
- I-94 at the point of arrival (show proof)
- International Preparatory Registration Application
- New school Registration Fee – $150 (one time only)
- Entrance Placement Test (no charge)
- Copy of all I-20 forms issued by previous schools
- I-901 SEVIS proof $200 FEE paid receipt –
- Money Order I-539 reinstatement Application – $370
- Money Order $85 Biometric (fingerprint) Fee one time
- Sponsorship Letter signed with Sponsor Identification if funds are not of the student
- Bank Account (current) showing approximately $18,000 – $22,000
- $5,000 per dependent (spouse or children under 21 years old)
- If the bank is out of the country – need translation and equivalent U.S. dollars ($)

Need assistance with the process?
A letter of explanation is required with the application. (we will prepare with you)
- Explain why you are requesting F-1 reinstatement. You need to explain why you are ‘out of status’.
- Indicate all reasons up to when you fell ‘out of status’.
- Explain any circumstances that have caused you to become “out of status”.
- Discuss the effect on you should you not receive reinstatement.
- State that you are currently attending with full compliance; continuing with your original plan of study and respectfully request USCIS reinstate you back to F-1 Student Status.
- Show proof that you intend on returning to your country when school is completed. (ticket)
- Show proof that you have a residence in your country waiting for your return (rent or mortgage receipts)
You will be considered as legal status while this application request is pending approval. It is important you continue to attend classes and keep financial obligations on a current basis. Full compliance is now very required.
$150 Registration Fee
$370 Reinstatement Request
Regular Tuition Payment English Language Course