National Geographic Life Series (NGL) is the curriculum choice for beginner and advanced students. This course is civics-based, offering students language skills for situations needed with daily tasks in the American English language context. NGL Series lessons are rich in content with fundamental values of inspiring people to care about the planet, celebrating human achievement, while exploring diversity. Subject components are brought together with a unique setting in English Language Teaching, while the language syllabus exceeds real-life situations.

Our devised curriculum encourages students to understand that language is functional, diverse, and possess variations. Learning a new language often means discovering how to live in new surroundings and assimilation into a different culture of a larger society. Being bilingual exhibits individuality as a social asset that benefits one’s life for many reasons. Becoming proficient in the use of new language skills are long-term and comes through in practical application and interaction.
Native language proficiency also contributes to learning a second language. This curriculum further provides students with an introduction to real-world use of the English language. Trained faculty teach our learners using real-world concepts—instructors impact pupils because of the unique creative writing to get the individuals’ capacity to complete exceptional compositions. Teachers connect the classroom to students’ everyday life through reading comprehension. Teaching methodologies through communicative essay structure, diverse vocabulary, and useful writing activities, the students achieve the technique of writing essays while discovering how to break down the composition structure into smaller parts.
Learning a language is a cultural process, and with the components of this program, we help guide you through the journey of learning English!
Level 1 | Life 1
What will you need to know to enter this level?
Be: I + am, you + are, he/she/it + is
My, your
The alphabet, countries and nationalities, numbers 1-10, greetings, in the classroom
Classroom language
Word stress
Phone numbers
Capital letters
What will you know by the Mid-Term?
Like: questions and short answers
He/she + like
Prepositions of place, this, that, these, those
Possessives ‘s
Plural nouns/irregular plural nouns
Object pronouns
Sports, interests, food, opinion adjectives, suggestions
Places in town, the time, snacks, word focus: at
Writing a greeting card, contractions, writing an email
What will you know by the Final Exam?
Simple present I/you/we/you/they
Prepositions of time
Regular simple past verbs
Simple past Wh- Questions, simple past negative and question forms
Present continuous for the future, prepositions of place
On the phone, offers and invitations, apologizing, requests, problems
Intonation in questions, sentence stress, there are, I’d like, we’d like, was/were weak forms, sentence stress
Articles, a short message about next weekend
Expressions in emails, a thank you note, spelling: verb endings, paragraphs
Level 2 | Life 2
What will you need to know to enter this level?
Be (am/is/are), possessives ‘s and possessive adjectives
Personal information, family, word roots, everyday verbs, in
Meetings people for the first time
Contractions, the same of different sounds, saying numbers and percentages, spelling
Listen to interviews and short talks
Articles about explorers and about world population, types of text
Asking questions, friends and family, facts about countries
A personal description, wiring skill: and, but
What will you know by the Mid-Term?
There is/are, simple present, like/love + noun or -ing form, adverbs of frequency, expressions of frequency
Countable and uncountable nouns (a/an, some, and any), simple past regular, was/were
Colors, furniture, useful objects, telling the time, menus, food verbs, periods in time, time expressions
-ed endings intonation, contractions, -s endings, ordinal numbers, word stress, contrastive stress
Articles about markets around the world, extreme sports, lifelogging, labels on food, a global product
Fact or opinion, ways of giving advice, main ideas and supporting information, for or against?
Description of someone’s life, punctuation, referencing words, describing objects with adjectives, short emails
What will you know by the Final Exam?
Comparative adjectives, superlative adjectives, present continuous, present simple, be vs. have
Will/won’t, articles, present perfect, be going to (for plans), infinitive of purpose, have to/don’t have to, can/can’t, should/shouldn’t, something, nobody, anywhere
Journey adjectives, ways of travelling, places for entertainment, up, types of vacation, take, land and water
Making suggestions, giving a presentation, checking and clarifying, inviting and making arrangements, making requests
Showing enthusiasm, pausing at commas, sound and spelling, silent letters, stressed and weak syllables
Journeys involving nature and Earth, experiences around the world, documentaries about specific people, discussions about entertainment
The writer’s preferences, supporting the main idea, writer’s opinion, reasons for and against
Paragraph about your own town, reviews, description of a tourist destination, important words and information
Level 3 | Life 3
What will you need to know to enter this level?
Simple present, adverbs and expressions of frequency
Simple present and present continuous
Everyday routines
Collocations with do, play, and go, feel, medical problems
Talking about illness
One or two syllables?
Giving examples
Finding out about lifestyles
Your current life
Making a town healthier
Filling out a form
Information on forms
What will you know by the Mid-Term?
Modal verbs for rules, -ing form, comparative modifiers, simple past, past continuous and simple past
Quantifiers, articles: a/an, the, or no article
Infinitive forms, future forms: going to, will, and present continuous
Materials, life events, get, recycling, risks and challenges, ways of travelling, sports, suffixes
Telling a story, calling about an order, going on a trip, inviting, accepting, and declining
Silent letters, contractions, emphasizing words, intonation
Article about competitions, adventures, challenges, e-waste, Mardi Gras
Three people talking about competitive sports in schools, differences between the generations, someone describing a photo
Reading between the lines, giving examples, looking for evidence, reading closely, analyzing the writer’s view
Talking about recycling, plan the trip of a lifetime, planning a celebration, events you remember, advice on transportation
A quiz, notes and messages, formal words, a description, descriptive adjectives, checking your writing
What will you know by the Final Exam?
Present perfect and simple past, present perfect with for and since
Prepositions of place and movement, zero and first conditionals, defining relative clauses
Past perfect, subject questions, the passive (simple present and simple past), used to, reported speech
Reporting verbs (say and tell), second conditional, anywhere, everyone, nobody, something, etc.
Language to describe jobs, internet verbs, place, parts of a building, suffixes in job words, make or do, job ads, extreme weather, start, communication, websites, ancient history
A job interview, finding out how something works, requesting and suggesting, discussing opinions, giving a short presentation, finding a solution
Intrusive, linking, number of syllables, pausing, stress in different word forms, would/wouldn’t/I’d
Emotion words, reading closely, a woman talking about her job in a steel mill, a description of a producer and his products, a documentary about a photographer
Describing past experiences, giving directions, job satisfaction, a job interview, planning a time capsule, hopes and dreams, interview questions, questions with any-
An article, planning an article, a review, giving your opinion, an emailing requesting information, paragraph, connecting words, leaving out words in resumes.
Level 4 | Life 4
What will you need to know to enter this level?
Simple present and present continuous
Dynamic and stative verbs
Questions forms: direct questions
Question forms: indirect questions
Word focus: love, feelings
Wordbuilding: adjective + noun collocation
Opening and closing conversations
Direct questions, short questions
Excerpts from TV programs about different cultures
Two people taking a quiz about colors and meanings
An article about cultural identity, article and globalization
Examples, getting to know you, color quiz, how international you feel, first impressions
A business profile, criteria for writing
What will you know by the Mid-Term?
Present perfect, already, just and yet, present perfect and simple past, simple past and past continuous, past perfect, predictions, future forms, modal verbs, first conditional, when, as soon as, unless, until, before, purpose: to, for, and so that, certainty and possibility
Musical styles, emotions, describing experiences, pay and conditions, a healthy lifestyle, restaurants, long, job, work, kind, get, -ly adverbs in stories
Telling stories, making and responding to requests, describing dishes, reacting to surprising news, choosing an event
Weak forms, intonation with really, absolutely, etc., d and t after -ed endings, was and were, disappearing sounds, showing interest and disbelief
An excerpt from a radio program about healthy eating, two people discussing an unusual photo, three people talking about their childhood ambitions, a man talking about his dance academy
Article about cultural identity, article about the future of work article about aviation’s greatest mysteries
Balance, the writer’s purpose, speculation or fact? The author’s view, drawing conclusions
New releases, experiences performing a survey on the arts, rules and regulations, consequences, modern life, restaurant dishes, speculating, comparing ideas, surprising news
Writing a review, linking ideas, blog post, interesting language, a news story, structuring a news story
What will you know by the Final Exam?
Used to, would and simple past, comparative adverbs, comparative patterns, verb patterns: -ing form and infinitive, present perfect and present continuous, How long?, passives, articles and quantifiers, second conditional, defining relative clauses
Reported speech reporting verbs, third conditional, should have and could have
In the city, as and like, vacation activities, compound adjectives, medicine, take, go, injuries, prefixes in-, un-, -im, communications technology
Stating preferences and giving reasons, dealing with problems, linking, silent letters, sentence stress, should have and could have, contrastive stress, polite requests with can and could, rising and falling intonation
Four conversations about the news, an interview with a farmer about difficult situations. Market research interviews, travel tips, different living arrangements
Article about writers returning to their roots, article about isolated tribes, review of a book about Arctic expeditions, stories about acts of endurance
Opinions, relevance, reading between the lines, testing a conclusion, reading closely, descriptions
Places, advice a tourist destination, stating preferences, travel companions, favorite activities, shopping now and in the future, medicine, inspirational people
An opinion essay, a website article, checking your writing, linking ideas, customer reviews, text message, description of a place, organizing ideas
Level 5 | Life 5
What will you need to know to enter this level?
Present tenses: simple, continuous, and perfect
Simple past and present perfect
Describing character friendships: phrasal verbs
Forming adjectives
Meeting people
Auxiliary verbs have and has, word boundaries
People talking about important relationships in their lives
Radio programs about animals and friendships
Articles about millennials
Article about immigrant families in New York
Evaluating conclusions
Friendships, differences between generations, family influences
An informal email, greetings and endings
What will you know by the Mid-Term?
Narrative past tenses, the passive, future forms, future continuous and future perfect
Determiners, expressions of quantity
Verb + infinitive or -ing, verbs with both -ing and the infinitive, negative forms, question forms
Describing stories, communication, verb + noun collocation, keep, spend, mind, fall, out of
Urban features, adverb + adjective, art, materials
Describing likes and dislikes, debating issues, getting around, dealing with problems
Weak forms in passive verbs, linking and elision, rhyming words, sentence stress, intonation in question forms, intonation in sentences with two clauses, American English stress in two-syllable words, weak form of disappearing sounds
Interview with film critic, interview with professional photographer, conversation about two people who are creative in their free time, excerpt from a radio program about what’s happening in Melbourne, someone describing their stay at a mountainside guesthouse, an interview about volunteer vacations
Lecture about overpopulation, article about how music helps us, blog post about vacations at home, excerpt from travel magazine about unusual hotels
Supporting examples, analyzing tone, ways of arguing, the main message
Predictions, a key moment, changes in your town or city, a happy community, stages of life, planning a staycation, art and music
Short email requests, an opinion essay, a letter/email of complaint, formal language, linking words, personalizing your writing
What will you know by the Final Exam?
Zero and first conditionals, time linkers, usually, used to, would, be used to, and get used to, second, third, and mixed conditionals, wish and if only, verb patterns with reporting verbs, passive reporting verbs
Articles: a/an, the, or zero article? Relative clauses, future in the past, could, was able to, managed to, and succeeded in, focus adverbs: only, just, even, causative have and get
Raising children: verbs food, same and different, weddings, word pairs, make and do, noun suffixes, strong feelings, better, word, self, learn, the + adjective, careers, education, homonyms, personal qualities, verb (+preposition) + noun collocations
Describing skills, talents, and experience, getting clarification, negotiating, reporting what you have heard, describing traditions, discussing preferences
Linking vowels, contrastive sentence stress, linking in question forms, focus adverbs, long vowel sounds, do you, would you
Someone describing the customs on the Tokyo subway, a parent talking about a children’s museum, an interview with a professor about the growing service economy, a description of a man with an unusual talent
Article about the “tiger mother” approach to parenting, article about Norway’s riches, article about a new business trend
Different perspectives, examining the evidence, explaining ideas, emotive language, questions and answers
Traditional rules of behavior, foo and eating habits, turn-taking in conversations, something true that happened to you, learning experiences, making excuses, types of learner, the economy in your country, getting things done, new business ideas
An email about a misunderstanding, a short report, key phrases in report essay, a personal profile, a news article, an online comment
Giving vivid examples, adding detail
Level 6 | Life 6
What will you need to know to enter this level?
Time phrases, the continuous aspect
Personality and identity
Binomial pairs, life
Getting to know people
Linking in word pairs
Merged words in everyday phrases
Two speakers talk about important lessons in life
A talk by a sociologist about understanding what makes people who they are
An article about the lessons we learn from the past
An article about the language of Shakespeare
Your favorite saying situations in your life
Call my bluff
Taking notes
Writing skill: using abbreviations
What will you know by the Mid-Term?
Perfect forms, passive forms, future probability, past modals, empathetic structures, avoiding repetition, phrasal verbs, verb patterns
Phrasal verb: get, idioms: safety, foot/feet, personal qualities, describing towns, adverb + adjective collocations, ground, -able, give, phrasal verb come, repeated word pairs, synonyms, matter, compound words, idioms: health, face
Presenting yourself, expressing opinions, making a short pitch, making key points, telling an anecdote, linking events, discussing proposals, proposing and conceding a point
Linking in word pairs merged words in everyday phrases, word stress, quite, fairly, and pretty, stress in intensifying adverbs, linking vowel sounds, weak forms in past modals, word stress, do, does, and did, stress in short responses, long sounds, stress in two-syllable verbs, toning down, negative statements
News report about bionic body parts, conversation between two friends about health and exercise, excerpt from a talk by a travel writer
Article about the Moken people of Myanmar, article about two identical towns with individual character, travel blog about different approaches to traveling, article about different exercise regimens
Author influence, analyzing language, summarizing, finding counter arguments, evaluating sources
More than a job, safety features, your hometown, exercise trends, does beauty sell?, knowing places, a mystery tour, how you travel
A proposal, making recommendations, using descriptive words, a formal report, avoiding repetition, an opinion essay, a cover letter or email, fixed expressions
What will you know by the Final Exam?
Passive reporting verbs, nominalization, the adverb just, purpose and result, linking words, present and perfect participle clauses, adverbs and adverbial phrases, negative adverbials and inversion, unreal past forms, conditional and inversion, approximation and vague language, would
Verb prefix out, idioms: business buzz words, break, board, free, beyond, move, adverb + adjective collocations, idioms: adjective collocations, being a good member of society, crime and punishment, having fun, idioms: music
Making a podcast, hedging language, your favorite music, responding to questions, checking, confirming, and clarifying, recognizing feelings, a debate, interrupting
New words, expressions with just, intonation to express uncertainty, silent letters, sentence stress, intonation and elision, heteronyms adjectives ending in -ed, intonation in interruptions
A talk by a journalist about digital technology, excerpt from a radio program about ethnic communities, lecture about irrational thinking, three people describe landscape where they live
A study of global facts about selfies, an article about what personal letters reveal about our past, article about understanding emotions
Different perspectives, reading between the lines, identifying key points, identifying personal opinion, analyzing structure
The impact of social media, brands, attitudes to security, modern life, being a good member of society, social games, feeling free, the animal and human worlds, technology and occupations
A news report, cautious language, a description, parallel structures, describing a past event, sequencing events, a discursive essay, referring to evidence, an email message, avoiding misunderstanding, a letter to a newspaper, persuasive language
Level 7 (a) | Pathways Speaking & Listening
What will you need to know to enter this level?
Passive voice
Linking with word-final t
Word families: Suffixes
Understanding the introduction to a lecture
Using abbreviations
Signaling additional aspects of a topic
Presenting in pairs
A conversation about a foreign country
Presenting in pairs
Evaluating the impact of tourism
Presenting a problem and solutions
Analyzing visuals, applying, evaluating, making inferences, predicting, reflecting
What will you know by the Mid-Term?
A Q&A session about an extinct species
A news report on perceptions of beauty
A conversation about unusual fashions, a lecture about succeeding in business, a podcast about globalizing technology
Listening for clarification, using a time line, taking notes during a Q&A, listening for advantages
Responding to an argument, discussing environmental impact, a debate on wild animals in zoos,
Conducting a survey, a presentation about fashion trends, role-playing a job interview, discussing family origins, a pair presentation on animal migration
Two-part verbs with out, suffix -ive, using collocations, suffixes -any and -ist
Essential adjective clauses, saying and linking -s endings, tag questions, intonation or clarification, gerund phrases, saying parentheticals, modals of past possibility, linking with you or your
What will you know by the Final Exam?
Preserving endangered languages, a discussion about American Indian Lands
Biking in the city, a podcast about fitness gadgets
A conversation about memory
Farming the open ocean
A conversation about food prices
Listening for a correction, using an Idea map, listening for shifts in topics, summarizing, listening for assessments, using a T-chart, recognizing appositives, highlighting conclusions, listening for suggestions
Using rhetorical questions, speaking with confidence
Presenting a tradition, conducting an interview, discussing purchases and happiness, a role-play about financial advice
Emphasizing important information, engaging your audience, assessing a city’s health, presenting on a health tech product, expressing causal relationships, using gestures, discussing learning styles, speaking about a “life hack”
Referring to group opinions, role-playing a town hall meeting, making a formal proposal
Collocations: verb/adjective + preposition, choosing the right definition, using synonyms, suffixes -at, -tial, and -ical, investigating authentic language
Verb + object + infinitive, stress in adjective-noun combinations, connectors of concession, linking vowel sounds, noun clauses with that, dropped syllables, subject-verb agreement with quantifiers, reduced function words, subjunctive verbs in that clauses, reduced auxiliary phrases
Thinking outside the box, interpreting visuals, evaluating conclusions, categorizing
Level 7 (b) | Reading & Writing
What will you need to know to enter this level?
Read argumentative essays
Understand cohesion
Understand main ideas and details
Understand infographics
Analyzing evidence
Evaluating, synthesizing, guessing meaning from context
Use cohesive devices
Review essay writing
Writing a cause-effect essay
Adjectives ending in -ic
Dramatic + noun
What will you know by the Mid-Term?
Understanding appositives
Understanding main ideas and details
Understanding problems, reasons, and solutions
Using a concept map, understanding main ideas and details
Understanding sentences with initial phrases
Understanding main ideas and supporting ideas, complex sentences, main ideas, purpose, and summarizing
Explanatory articles, case study articles, expository/classification articles, explanatory/persuasive reports
Analyzing text organization, personalizing, making inferences, synthesizing, guessing meaning from context, understanding multi-word units, understanding visual data, inferring meaning, synthesizing
Using appositives, thesis statements, writing a persuasive essay, using restrictive and no restrictive adjective clauses, supporting a thesis, writing an evaluative essay
Using sentences with initial phrases, organizing a comparative essay, writing a comparative essay
Avoiding plagiarism, paraphrasing, writing a summary, writing a summary essay
Adjective/verb + priority, nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, business words and antonyms, adjectives with -ive, co-, com-, col-
What will you know by the Final Exam?
Autobiographical essay, expository/persuasive essay, explanatory/scientific article, explanatory article/research summary, autobiographical essay/ fiction extracts
Understanding verbal phrases, main ideas and details, annotating a text, understanding a research summary, identifying supporting details
Identifying literary elements, inferring author’s attitude, recognizing levels og formality, guessing meaning from context
Analyzing point of view, understanding chronology, interpreting visual data, personalizing, synthesizing, evaluating research
Interpreting figurative language, making inferences, applying, guessing meaning from context
Adding information with verbal phrases, writing introductions and conclusions, writing an opinion essay
Avoiding plagiarism, referring to sources, researching and note-taking, writing an expository essay, explaining significance of evidence
Planning an argumentative research paper, writing an argumentative essay, introducing results and describing data, summarizing research, writing a research summary
Using a variety of sentence types, writing an analysis of literature, writing an analytical essay
Ir-, im-, il-, adjective + economy, distinct + noun, words and phrases with life, re-, forming nouns with -ance and -ence, word forms of deceit, words for describing literature, phrasal verbs with down